

Collection of the main forms drafted by the offices of Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A.

Integrated Management System (IMS) forms:

  1. Richiesta di Autorizzazione al Trasporto Eccezionale nell’area della Darsena Pisana

Authorization request for exceptional load transport in the Darsena Pisana docks area

The form, after being filled in, must be sent via post or via fax to Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A. at least 10 (ten) days prior to the date of transit in the port area.

The authorizations/licenses to transport exceptional loads can be:

–          single (license for only one trip)

–          multiple (for an established number of trips on fixed dates)

–          periodical (for an indefinite number of trips to be made within a maximum period of 6 months)

  1. Richiesta di Autorizzazione al Transito di Merci Pericolose

Authorization request for the transit of hazardous goods

The form, after being filled in, must be sent via post or via fax to Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A. at least 3 (three) days prior to the date of transit in the port area.

To issue the a-m authorizations and licenses, the following obligations must be met:

Obligations for ships/boats/yachts.    

All the fire extinguishing systems installed on board every ship must respect the law prescriptions in force concerning the transportation of explosives and hazardous goods; they must be regularly approved and they must also be perfectly functional. The shipmaster is charged with ensuring the regular efficiency of the fire extinguishing systems and their perfect operation before entering the Navicelli Canal. The ship-deck must contain at least three portable fire extinguishers and a crate full of sand;

Obligations for shipyards.

During the transit operations of the hazardous goods, the indication signs present along the canal must be respected. It is forbidden to:

–           dock ships and yachts along the canal;

–          exceed the maximum speed limit of 7 knots;

  1. Richiesta di iscrizione all’Albo dei Fornitori

Request for membership to the Suppliers’ Register

Agents who would like to request membership to Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A.’s Supplier Register must fill in the form MOD PRO 05.1 pursuant to the “open” notice notified every three years. Upon expiry of the three-year validity period, Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A. will publish a new notification pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Register Regulations.

  1. Modulo reclami/segnalazioni

Complaints/notices form

This form can be presented to the Secretariat of the Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A. via:

– hand delivery

– ordinary post or certified post to the following address: Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A., Via della Darsena 3, 56121 Pisa (Italy)

– email to the following address:, or via fax to the following number: +39 050 46478

In submitting the form, the User must provide, along with his/her personal details, all the details of the claim/notice, or what is retain to be the subject of the violation, in order to allow Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A.’s Directorate to make a precise recreation of the facts, assess them and make its decision regarding the implementation of improvement measures.

  1. “Nota di informazione”

Information notice

  1. “Dichiarazione di partenza”

Departure statement

The forms mentioned above regulate the extraordinary opening of the mobile bridges to allow transiting along the Navicelli Canal.

Such forms must be presented to the Secretariat of Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A. and sent via email to the following address:, or via fax to the following number: +39 050 46478.

Via fax, Navicelli di Pisa S.p.A. will transmit the authorization for transiting along the canal according to the opening schedules previously supplied.

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