The Navicelli di Pisa company was established in 1982 as a joint venture with a mostly public capital. The social structure was divided as follows: public shareholders of the Municipality of Pisa, the Province of Pisa and the Chamber of Commerce of Pisa (each one a shareholder for 29.9%), the remaining portion being comprised of private shareholders.

In 1982, an agreement between the Company and the Municipality of Pisa was reached whose focus is the responsibility for the organization, management and development of port services and navigation in the Port of Pisa and along the Pisa-Livorno navigable canal. The agreement was renewed several times in the course of the years and was signed following the coming into force of Regional Law no. 37 of 22 May 1982. This law concerned the mandate to the Municipality of Pisa – limited to the second class waterway, the Pisa-Livorno navigable canal – for the exercise of administrative functions in relation to navigable waterways, transferred from the State Authority to the Regions through Presidential Decree 616/77.

Following the coming into force of article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 223/2006 converted into Law no. 248/2006, if the company were not a wholly public company, it would not have been possible to renew the agreement by the Municipality of Pisa, which was still under extension and whose object was the management of the services related to the Navicelli Canal (to be classified within the list of the so-called “in house” commitments). Therefore, on 31 January 2008, the Extraordinary Assembly of the company’s shareholders met and deliberated through unanimous vote to exit the corporate structure of private shareholders and their own shares through withdrawal and cancellation, pursuant to the terms of the law. In this way, public shareholders – the Municipality of Pisa, the Province of Pisa and the Chamber of Commerce of Pisa – became the only members of the company.

On 9 February 2018, the Company changed its legal name: from Spa Navicelli di Pisa to Navicelli di Pisa Srl, with the Municipality of Pisa as sole shareholder.


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